How to share your Calm subscription ?

Dobre samopoczucie

So you use Spliiit to share your Calm Premium Family account? In this article, we're going to give you the best practices to adopt so that everything goes smoothly.

Important: We remind you that our service works on benevolence and trust between owner and subscriber. We therefore ask you to respect the Spliiit T&Cs in order to have the best experience possible.

Add a family member :

- Enter the email address of the co-subscriber

- Upon the reception of the invitation email, the co-subscriber will be invited to create his/her personal space

Each member of the Calm Premium Family Plan has his/her own Calm account and logs in to his/her account with a unique email address and password.

Session history, statistics, reviews and other personal information related to a Calm account are not shared between Family Plan members.

Calm, oferty, które można udostępniać

Rodzaj udostępniania

Udostępnianie linków

Liczba miejsc

6 Maksymalna liczba użytkowników
  • Calm Rodzina Premium

Chcesz udostępnić tę subskrypcję?

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