How to share your Calm subscription ?


So you use Spliiit to share your Calm Premium Family account? In this article, we're going to give you the best practices to adopt so that everything goes smoothly.

Important: We remind you that our service works on benevolence and trust between owner and subscriber. We therefore ask you to respect the Spliiit T&Cs in order to have the best experience possible.

Add a family member :

- Enter the email address of the co-subscriber

- Upon the reception of the invitation email, the co-subscriber will be invited to create his/her personal space

Each member of the Calm Premium Family Plan has his/her own Calm account and logs in to his/her account with a unique email address and password.

Session history, statistics, reviews and other personal information related to a Calm account are not shared between Family Plan members.

Calm, tilbud der kan deles

Type deling


Antal steder

6 Maksimalt antal brugere
  • Calm Premium familie

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