How to share your Tidal Family subscription ?


The sharing of this service is done by invitation. No sharing of credentials is necessary.

Important :

Before starting, we ask you to check that you have subscribed to the Tidal Family subscription, and if not, consider upgrading your offer before you can offer it for sharing.

The Family Pack can have a maximum of 5 users.

The method :

For the owner :

Go to your profile (at the very top left of your screen), then manage your subscription, then you just have to choose Tidal Family.

How to share your Tidal Family subscription ?

  • To invite a new member, you just have to invite him/her by email by clicking on the "+" .

How to share your Tidal Family subscription  ?

For the co-subscriber :

  • Once you have received the link, open it and accept the invitation.
  • Register if this is your first time using Tidal or log in to your account if it already exists.

Now enjoy your favorite music 🎸 !

Tidal, offerti li jistgħu jiġu kondiviżi

Tip ta 'qsim

Link sharing

Numru ta 'postijiet

6 Utenti massimo
  • Tidal Familja HiFi

  • Tidal Familja HiFi Plus

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Spliiit hija s-soluzzjoni ta 'ko-abbonament li tagħmel il-kartiera tiegħek tajjeb!