How to share your Molotov TV subscription ?


We would like to remind you that our service works on the basis of goodwill and trust between the owner and the subscriber. We therefore kindly ask you to respect Spliiit's Terms and Conditions in order to enjoy the best possible experience.

Important : Before starting, if you wish to share your Molotov account, we advise you to use a password dedicated to it! Indeed, by communicating your password, you give de facto access to the administration of your Molotov subscription. This is why we suggest that you only share your account with people close to you (Friends, Family, roommate...).

Once connected, up to 4 simultaneous users can benefit from Molotov TV.

You will be able to monitor them in real time by clicking on My Devices (in the toolbar on the left of your screen).

The whole group benefits from 150 hours per subscription. It must therefore be renewed once the hours have been used up.

Molotov, los planes que se pueden compartir

Tipo de intercambio

Compartir contraseña

Numero de plazas

4 Usuarios máximos

¿Quieres compartir esta suscripción?

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