How to share your 1Password subscription ?


We would like to remind you that our service works on the basis of goodwill and trust between the owner and the subscriber. We therefore kindly ask you to respect Spliiit's Terms and Conditions in order to have the best possible experience.

Important : Before you start, if you wish to share your 1Password account, we advise you to use a password dedicated to it ! Indeed, by sharing, you give de facto access to the administration of your 1Password subscription. That's why we suggest you share your account only with people you know (Friends, Family, roommate...).

Add an account as a family member : 

1. For the owner :

On the 1Password home page, click on "Invitations" then "+".

Enter the e-mail address of your co-subscriber and select "Family member" from the list.

The co-subscriber will then receive an email in order to join the "Family".

2. For the co-subscriber :

Accept the invitation that has been sent to you by email. Enter a name for your "Profile".

Then enter a password for your new account.

The owner will then receive a notification to confirm the creation of your account.

And here it is, your account is created 👍🏻

1password, the plans that can be shared

Type of sharing

Link sharing

Number of places

5 Maximum users
  • 1password Families Monthly

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Spliiit is the co-subscription solution that keeps your wallet happy !